Monday, November 12, 2012

part 3

 Part A: Vaccines
 1.  What virus is believed to have killed more people in history than any other infectious disease?
2.  Who developed the first vaccine (inoculation)?     In what year?     Against what virus?

Edward Jenner developed an inoculation against smallpox in 1796.

3.  Vaccines work by injecting people with similar, weakened, or dead forms of a pathogen in order to increase immunity in the host. To create the first inoculation, Jenner infected his patient with what virus?    Did it work?

He inject a boy with cowpox waited then injected him with smallpox.
4.  What body system helps you when a pathogen (virus or bacteria) invades the body?
 the immune system is the systems that tries to purge your body of disease. 

5.  Describe in detail how a vaccine helps your immune system to fight off pathogens?
Part B.
Basically your body fights off the weaker strain and the when the real strain came it had no effect.
1.    Briefly describe the six types of vaccines and provide an example for each in your description.

2.  Choose one type of vaccine that is the most interesting to you and complete the interactive instructions.  Summarize the steps you took to create the vaccine.
Part C
1.    How many people die from rabies each year? (How many people every 10 minutes?)
55,000 one every ten mines
2.  What causes rabies? 
a bullet shaped virus that damages the brain
3.  Where is the rabies virus found?
every were but antartica
4.  What animals in North America can carry rabies (specific names)?
raccoons, scanks and bads
5.  How does rabies spread?
physical contact
6.  What body system is affected with rabies?
the nerves system
7. Are rabies shot really horrible for people?  How are they given?
nope its just like any other shot
8. What steps should you take to prevent rabies?
avoid stray animals
Watch the two
videos below.

2.   What Animals are Most Likely to be Rabid? Answer that question after watching.
Dogs, raccoons , foxes
3.  Watch the video Rabies Symptoms. After watching the video describe rabies symptoms in humans hallucinations, tingling at the wound, prolonged salivation, respiratory problems and heart problems.

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