Monday, November 5, 2012

part I

1.             Who is credited with discovering the virus?
 Robert Buist was the first to see the viruses, in an experiment in which he was examining cells taken from skin eruptions of small pox patients.

    2.       Is a virus a living thing?
 They are not sure if viruses are alive, there still being investigated whether or not they are.

    3.       Viruses are incredibly small.  Why are we not able to see viruses with the compound light microscopes we use in the science lab?
 Their too small to see with a compound microscope, you need an electron microscope to see them

    4.       What shapes do viruses assume?
They have all sorts of shapes like spheres, cubes, tadpole like, and rods.
    5.       How does a virus invade a host cell? 
Basically they attach to a cell, penetrated it and go inside and multiple until the cell bursts. 

    6.       Locate a photograph of a virus through Google Images. Open the paint program and draw your virus.  Label the main parts of the virus using the terms above.

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